What is the overall goal of Sudoku?
Sudoku is a puzzle game using numbers that can be solved entirely with numbers 1 to 9 and logic. It is important to remember that since these are logical puzzles, no guessing is allowed to find which number should be assigned to a cell. Well designed Sudoku puzzles only have one unique solution.
What are the rules of Sudoku?
- The game is played on a 9x9 grid that is further broken down into 3x3 blocks (nonet).
- Players can only enter numbers from 1 to 9 into each cell on the grid.
- Each row must be filled in with the numbers 1 to 9 without duplicates.
- Each column must be filled in with numbers 1 to 9 without duplicates.
- Each 3x3 block must be filled in with numbers 1 to 9 without duplicates.
- Each game starts with cells already filled in to help players find the unique solution.
- The game is completed once a player fills in all cells with the correct numbers.